Friday, September 26, 2014

Who Are You?

Yesterday, I helped a former student of mine work a project for a psychology class he's taking at Columbia.  The assignment was one of those "Who Am I" assignments, and he had to describe "who he is" in 50 sentences or less, using certain categories. So we ended up each doing one together, and during the process, I found it to be very enlightening and therapeutic to actually sit there and figure out what makes up "Dara" (Not "Daralina").  In an industry where we're constantly "on" and putting out a facade for the public, it sometimes feels good to just "be yourself".  So I wanted to share my own "Who I am", just in case you thought you knew ;)

My name is Dara.  I'm very tall, but that won't stop me from wearing heels.  I'm not built like a supermodel, but I love my curves.  My father is my hero, and I measure every man I meet to him.  My mother is the most extraordinary woman I know, and my parents are my biggest cheerleaders.  I have a big mouth, am extremely loquacious, and have a filter that only works when I really put in an effort.   I've got a ton of sass and I believe in standing up for others, including myself. My hard edge gets soft when I'm in California, and sharp when I'm back in NYC.  I am extremely gregarious; I would make friends with a chair if it could talk back, and I love to meet new people wherever I go.  But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy my "alone time." I am not a morning person; don't talk to me until I've had my green tea.  I love potatoes, pizza, and good bread - I could eat all three every day for the rest of my life.  I drink prosecco with strawberries, and enjoy cheese way too much.  I love to dance, ride horses, surf, and watch sports.  I am well educated, but I can be a bit of a ditz at times.  I'm extremely passionate, both physically and emotionally, and do not do anything unless I'm doing it 110 percent.  I believe the number 21 has powerful significance.  I love to gamble - especially in Blackjack.  I have no problem staying home on a Friday night, watching a movie and eating pizza, but I also enjoy getting all dressed up and hitting the town.  I love kids, but am not a baby person.  I've traveled all over the world, but I'll always be a Jersey Girl at heart.  I love the Giants and the Yankees.  I talk loudly and in a very gesticulatory Italian way.  I wear my heart on my sleeve, am emotionally charged, and always verbalize how I feel.  I love deeply with all my heart, and I value loyalty and trust above all other virtues.   If I trust you, the wall will come down, but I can also be ruthless and unforgiving if you push me.  However with that said, I do believe in forgiveness.  Once you're my true friend, you are my friend for life, and I won't let you forget it.  I like to write letters and send packages.  I enjoy cooking for other people, but not for myself.  I love my dog and believe that she was the one who rescued me.  I enjoy the Opera, Broadway, and showering by candlelight.  I am a huge nerd who loves history, sophisticated vocabulary words, and books.  I rarely go to the movies or watch television; I don't even have cable. I believe in torrid love affairs and saying "I love you".  I will never settle for anything less that what I truly want in a relationship.  I have an abundance of faith; I believe in pure matter and that there is more good than evil in this world.  I never take a single day for granted, and I always take the opportunity when it presents itself.  I don't believe in "playing it safe".   I've failed more times than I've succeeded, but I will always take the gamble.  

This is who I am and I will not change for anyone.  I am flawed and I am human, but I am the best me I can be.  You can take it or you can leave it, but if you leave it, it's your loss.